3 Cybersecurity Predictions for 2025

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Five Reasons to Integrate SecOps & NetOps

Here's the business and technical case for integrating SecOps and NetOps.

Tyson Supasatit

June 3, 2019

Back in the day, Security and IT functions were often handled by the same group of people. For many smaller organizations, that's still true—but as larger enterprises continued to grow, more companies began forming IT Security departments with a Security Operations Center (SOC) to match the Network Operations Center on the IT Operations side.

Relations between the two departments haven't always been sunny, but sentiment and collaboration are improving, as shown by the recent Dark Reading report, The State of IT Operations & Cybersecurity Operations. As outlined in that report, there is a clear trend toward integrating SOC and NOC teams, with some organizations going so far as to create a fully integrated Security and Network Operat

At ExtraHop, we get to interact with these organizations at each stage of their S/NOC journey. For some, it's just a matter of formalizing processes for patch management and incident response. Other ExtraHop customers are consolidating security and performance analytics tool sets for shared visibility, and even physically bringing the two teams to sit together for the purpose of cross-training and better incident management.

For CIOs and CISOs who make these decisions, we've put together an executive's guide to integrating SOC and NOC teams, highlighting the business and technical benefits of doing so.

Reasons why organizations are integrating the SOC and NOC:

  1. Eliminating redundant tools and optimizing budgets
  2. Optimizing scarce security talent
  3. Improving security posture and reducing risk
  4. Gaining visibility in the cloud
  5. Responding to change such as TLS 1.3

Want to learn more? Watch the video below and download the ebook, Better Together: An Executive's Guide to Integrating SecOps and NetOps.

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