2024 Global Cyber Confidence Index

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Contact ExtraHop

Ready to buy down risk?

Fill in the form and let us know how we can help. Our specialized team will get back in touch with you, typically within 4-6 business hours, so we can connect you with the right expert.

Experts who will…

  • Seek to understand your current state of security operations
  • Answer your most pressing cybersecurity and/or network performance related questions
  • Give you a behind-the-scenes look at RevealX tailored to your specific needs and requirements
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ExtraHop Support

Our team is ready to help you maximise your investment in Extrahop. We offer a variety of support levels to help ensure your success. Current customers: Please log into the Customer Community to report an issue.

ExtraHop Documentation

For a complete compilation of all How-to guides, Walkthroughs, User Guides, Admin Guides and other forms of product documentation, look no further than our comprehensive and easily searchable documentation database.

Looking to book a demo? Get started today.

Security covering the globe

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520 Pike St

Suite 1600

Seattle, WA 98101

United States

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2 Eastbourne Terrace

London W2 6LG

United Kingdom


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+44 (0) 125 627 4332


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3 Temasek Avenue

Centennial Tower

Level 18

Singapore 039190

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