2024 Global Cyber Confidence Index

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2023 Global Cyber Confidence Index

Cybersecurity Debt Drives Up Costs and Ransomware Risk

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2023 Global Cyber Confidence Index

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Getting yourself too deep in debt can lead to trouble. And that’s no less true when it comes to cybersecurity. Cybersecurity debt refers to all the unaddressed security vulnerabilities that accumulate over time (often from poor cyber hygiene), and our research demonstrates the high cost of cybersecurity debt via data that shows it’s a leading cause of cyber incidents, including ransomware. Download our research to:
  • Get data that will help you make a case for paying down your organization’s cybersecurity debt.
  • Discover the vulnerabilities and network protocols that disproportionately contribute to cybersecurity debt and increase organizations’ exposure to attacks.
  • Learn three steps your organization can take to assess and begin remediating cybersecurity debt.